Bookkeeping for small business handled

“They may take away our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!”

Yes, a classic line from the movie Braveheart, but freedom is also part of every small business owner’s existence. You have a small business to be free from others and pursue your own dreams. We understand the complexities of small business,

So we know that, for most, this pursuit is never done. We are a small business bookkeeping service location in Summerville SC but we also serve the greater Charleston SC area and beyond. You can now free yourself from tasks to focus on others or simply enjoy the extra time with loved ones. We make it a priority to ensure accuracy and efficiency when as financial professionals for your business.

Bookkeeping can be one of those administrative tasks that feels like a chore. However, we happen to love it! Let us handle your books throughout the year while you enjoy the extra, you got it…freedom! We offer virtual services with monthly rates, depending on what you need. To learn a bit more, book a free consultation!

Get your books done--without having to lift a finger!

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Find out how you can . . .

Pay Yourself What You Deserve!

Copyright © 2023 TRKS Enterprises |

Charleston, SC | (843) 822-7751

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